Friday, September 2, 2016

Relating The Basic Competence and Main Competence

Basic Competence
Main Competence 1 (Spiritual Attitude)
Main Competence 2 (Social Attitude)
Main Competence 3 (Knowledge)
Main Competence 4 (Skill)
Present the result of the data and the graph of an experiment to investigate the charcteristics of the motion of objects that having acceleration linear motion (GLBB)
"The faster we move, the slower time moves. If we're getting slow moving, then the time will move more quickly"
The students can relate about the fenomena and they can  use their time as well as possible for worship, charity, and doing activities that are beneficial.
The students can doing experiment in groups, so that students will interact with each other.
The students can understand The Acceleration Linerar Motion and can understand the relationship between the distance with time.
The students can make a simple experiment and can be relate The Accelerated Linear Motion and apply in everyday life

Physics Worksheet for Senior High School : Accelerated Linear Motion

Text Box: Physics Worksheet for Senior High School : Accelerated Linear MotionName :                                           Class :                                            Grup :

Learning Purpose
1.        The students can determine the control variable,  response variable and manipulation variable of the experiments about the influence of the distance to the travel time
2.        The students  can design experiments to find the influence of the distance to the travel time.

The Problem Formulation
1.        How is the relationship between the distance to the travel time?

Physics Worksheet for Senior High School : Accelerated Linear Motion

Text Box: Physics Worksheet for Senior High School : Accelerated Linear MotionName :                                           Class :                                            Grup :

Learning Purpose
1.        The students can determine the control variable,  response variable and manipulation variable of the experiments about the influence of the distance to the travel time
2.        The students  can design experiments to find the influence of the distance to the travel time.
The Problem Formulation
1.        How is the relationship between the distance to the travel time?
Formulate a hypothesis to answer the problem and cab be tested using the equipment and materials below.

contoh lembar kerja siswa EKSPERIMEN

Lembar Kerja Siswa
Oleh : Husni Mubarok

A.                 Tujuan Pembelajaran
Siswa memahami langkah-langkah dalam melaksanakan eksperimen.
B.                 Tujuan Pembelajaran Khusus
1.      Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi variable dari suatu rumusan masalah.
2.      Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi variable dari suatu rumusan masalah.
3.      Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi variable kontrol dari suatu rumusan masalah.

Saturday, August 27, 2016


Apa sih sebenarnya arti dari islam nusantara ? banyak dari kita yang masih bingung dengan makna dari islam nusantara, dan bahkan ada yang mengatakan bahwa islam yang diambil dari campur aduk agama islam dengan agama yang lainnya, yang pernah ada di nusantara seperti budha dan hindu. Mungkin bagi sebagian besar kalangan yang tidak pernah mendalami ilmu agama di dalam pesantren merasa kaget sengan istilah “islam nusantara”, karena sebagian besar dari mereka tidak mengerti dengan idhofah (penyandaran) yang memiliki berbagai makna, dalam arti mengetahui kata islam yang disandarkan dengan kata nusantara.
KH. A.Mustofa Bisri atau Gus Mus (Rais 'Aam PBNU) memberikan perumpamaan tentang istilah “islam nusantara” seperti “air gelas”. apakah maknanya