Sunday, February 3, 2019

Concepts of Modern Physics (Sixth Edition), Arthur Beiser

          Judul : Concepts of Modern Physics (Sixth Edition)
Pengarang : Arthur Beiser
Penerbit : McGraw-Hill

who wish to go further into this subject; those by Abraham Pais and by Emilio Segré, themselves distinguished physicists, are especially recommended.

For this edition of Concepts of Modern Physics the treatments of special relativity, quantum mechanics, and elementary particles received major revisions. In addition, numerous smaller changes and updates were made throughout the book, and several new topics were added, for instance Einstein’s derivation of the Planck radiation law. There is more material on aspects of astrophysics that nicely illustrate important elements of modern physics, which for this reason are discussed where relevant in the text rather than being concentrated in a single chapter.
Many students, although able to follow the arguments in the book, nevertheless may have trouble putting their knowledge to use. To help them, each chapter has a selection of worked examples. Together with those in the Solutions Manual, over 350 solutions are thus available to problems that span all levels of difficulty. Understanding these solutions should bring the unsolved even-numbered exercises within reach.
In revising Concepts of Modern Physics for the sixth edition I have had the benefit of constructive criticism from the following reviewers, whose generous assistance was of great value: Steven Adams, Widener University; Amitava Bhattacharjee, The University of Iowa; William E. Dieterle, California University of Pennsylvania; Nevin D. Gibson, Denison University; Asif Khand Ker, Millsaps College; Teresa Larkin-Hein, American University; Jorge A. López, University of Texas at El Paso; Carl A. Rotter, West Virginia University; and Daniel Susan, Texas A&M University–Kingsville. I am also grateful to the following reviewers of previous editions for their critical reviews and comments: Donald R. Beck, Michigan Technological University; Ronald J. Bieniek, University of Missouri–Rolla; Lynn R. Cominsky, Sonoma State University; Brent Cornstubble, United States Military Academy; Richard Gass, University of Cincinnati; Nicole Herbot, Arizona State University; Vladimir Privman, Clarkson University; Arnold Strassenberg, State University of New York–Stony Brook; the students at Clarkson and Arizona State Universities who evaluated an earlier edition from their point of view; and Paul Sokol of Pennsylvania State University who supplied a number of excellent exercises. I am especially indebted to Craig Watkins of Massachusetts Institute of Technology who went over the manuscript with a meticulous and skeptical eye and who checked the answers to all the exercises. Finally, I want to thank my friends at McGraw-Hill for their skilled and enthusiastic help throughout the project.
Arthur Beiser

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